วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Herniated Disc medicine Options

Decompression Surgery:

It has been proven via several researches that herniated disc problems could be resolved within six weeks even without the need of exercises and the treatment. An acceptable rest could conclude the problems in the majority of the cases even without treatment or surgery. Although in a amount of cases, Nsaids or conventional painkillers are prescribed in order to conclude the pain due to herniated disc, however; long term use of Nsaids could construct a lot of problems related to the heart and stomach.

There are different modes of treatment that are in case,granted to the patients suffering from herniated disc problems. Some of these treatment modalities are as follows:

Decompression Surgery:Herniated Disc medicine Options

Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (Nsaids): These drugs are given in the majority of cases in order to decrease the symptoms and pain due to herniated disc. These drugs not only decrease the pain, but also reduce the swelling, inflammation and disability. Also these advantages, there are many side effects to use these drugs. A sick person may construct injuries in the liver and kidneys if these drugs are used for long term. Some of the patients may construct allergic reactions due to continuous use of Nsaids and hence care should be taken if the sick person is known allergic to these drugs.

Steroid Injections: Steroids are generally used in painful conditions related to bones and joints. In herniated disc problems, steroid injections are directly given in the sheath of spinal cord, which is called as epidural space. Hence a sick person finds immediate relief from pain and restlessness. These injections act rapidly in decreasing pain and inflammation at the site of injection. Hence they are carefully main treatment for these conditions. Steroid injections, however; may yield several side effects. If steroids are used on a long term basis, a sick person may construct psychological problems, constipation, fragile bone disease (osteoporosis) and decrease in immunity.

Spinal Decompression: This is one of the foremost treatments, which are given to the patients of herniated disc problems. Spinal decompression provides early relief from pain that develops not only due to herniated disc prolapse, but also due to some other problems related to the spine. During this procedure, a negative pressure is generated inside the spine due to which, the protruded portion of the spine which has been herniated is retracted back to its traditional place.

Surgery: There are different surgical options for herniated disc problems. Surgical operation is performed in those cases in which a sick person does not get relief from non-surgical methods, and he gets continuous pain and discomfort. The outcome of Surgical operation depends upon the severity of illness and related problems possessed by the patient.

This narrative is in case,granted for facts purposes only. Please consult a doctor for treatment options. This narrative is not written by a doctor or checked for accuracy by a physician.

Decompression Surgery:Herniated Disc medicine Options

