วันพุธที่ 23 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Scoliosis surgical operation - Is It Worth the Cost?

Decompression Surgery:

Sometimes the remedy can be worse than the disease

It is about a ten-hour surgery in which they open you up on your side and on your back. In my single surgery they would put three rods in my back and hold them together with five screws. In order to help my bone grow they took out one of my ribs and six of my discs, and they also took a bone graft from my lower hip (right on my butt). They took this bone and filled three cages that hold the bone which are in between the vertebra.....

- Culled from Scoliosis Surgery: Corey McConnell's Experience

Decompression Surgery:Scoliosis surgical operation - Is It Worth the Cost?

If it sounds, gruesome, remember this is just the beginning. Healthful spinal surgery for scoliosis can be quite a distressing sense for teenage patients and their parents. Spinal surgery often involves an farranging whole of tissue and bone trauma that can corollary in excreting pain that the sick person plainly has to live with.

Worse, there is no guarantee that despite the steep cost of spinal surgery, the results would be as expected. In many cases, the remedy can be worse than the disease.

Then why do so many scoliosis patients continue to opt for spinal surgery?

That's a million dollar question! I've been baffled by it and discovered that over these years, we have veered so far away from traditional modes of rehabilitation and scalpel-free cures, that we've forgotten that there were "miraculous" recoveries from scoliosis even when doctors didn't wield any scalpel.

This set me on an arduous research and during my last few years of convention and sense with hundreds of scoliosis patients, I've come to scrutinize that There Are, time-tested non-surgical rehabilitation for scoliosis.

Non-surgical Scoliosis correction offers a mixture of these effective, safe and painless non-surgical treatments for various disorders of the spine such as neck problems, low back pain and slipped disc.

Non-surgical Scoliosis correction techniques draws the best protocols and methods from nearby the world, such as the Schroth formula pioneered in Germany, the Vertetrac principles developed in Israel and also vibration therapy, bodily therapy and used in U.S.A. For correcting spinal curves (scoliosis), low back pain, sciatica and herniation, with very encouraging results.

The biggest benefit of Non-surgical Scoliosis correction is that also being painless, it's more cost-effective (costs a fraction of the cost of spinal surgery) and there are no side effects! The only requirement is that you begin your rehabilitation with the commitment to corollary straight through with the recommended practice and rehabilitation protocols over a period of time.

Non Surgical Scoliosis rehabilitation basically includes:

Nutrition therapy

We are what we eat. As most citizen are well aware, good food and a balanced diet are leading components of farranging health. What may surprise citizen with back problems is that diet, food and maintaining a healthy weight also play a major role in the back - along with preventing many problems and curative from injuries. The bones, muscles and other structures in the spine need good food and vitamins so that they are strong adequate to maintain the body and to perform their other functions. Using these nutritional guidelines, patients can join back-friendly vitamins and nutrients into their diets.

Posture & Body balance Training There is now a huge body of research on sick person physiotherapy, arduous sick person rehabilitation, and bracing that's proven the effectiveness of practice in scoliosis treatment. A paper from researchers in Turkey published in the Saudi curative Journal on Schroth's three-dimensional practice therapy --- that I use at my clinic for teenage idiopathic scoliosis --- found that after six weeks, six months and one year, of therapy, all patients had an increase in muscle strength. What's more, they also reported a indispensable correction in their postural defects.


Children with mild scoliosis treated with chiropractic adjustments have shown a discount in their spinal curvature, according to the findings of a three-year, 3,000 study funded by the Foundation for Chiropractic schooling and Research.

It is imperative that a scoliosis suffer gets treated from a trained chiropractor with good knowledge in treating scoliosis. Too often and untrained by hand therapist will try to "click and "crack" the spine to push it back into place. While this formula works for a general spine a someone it wont for a scolioctic spine but may assuredly increase the Scoliosis.

State of the art curative devices

There are any state-of-the-art curative devices that I use at my clinic, namely:

Vibration therapy

The Russian cosmonauts first investigated vibrating platforms as a way of maintaining bone & muscle mass while in outer space.I first began using vibration therapy as a way of retraining the brain's operate over the muscles more effectively. When you stand upon the vibration machine, your postural muscles have to make multiple, rapid adjustments - as many as 50 times per second to adapt to the stimuli and balance accordingly. For this reason, exercises & spinal recovery performed with vibration therapy can be as much as 3 times more efficient than if they were done alone!

Meditrac & Vertetrac

This is a huge correction over the traditional traction devices devised by Dr. L. Stabholz and Dr. A. Grober. These doctors found that applying differential traction to patients with an antalgic lean (Sciatic Scoliosis) helped in restoring general upright stance and decreasing muscle spasm, often leading to full recovery. Meditrac & Vertetrac are now extensively used in the patient's recovery process and accelerating blood flow to the tissues and intervertebral discs at my clinic.

Shockwave Therapy

Shock Wave Therapy implies the application of high-intensity ultrasonic acoustic radiation for the rehabilitation of obvious musculo-skeletal disorders. The machine focuses high power sound waves on the injury straight through a protective pad that breaks down scar tissue and calcifications in the area, resulting in structural changes in the tissue, stimulation of bone growth, regeneration of the lost tissue and calcium absorption by the body, all of which are great for a full or partial saving from scoliosis.

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

This Fda cleared technology relieves pain by enlarging the space between the discs. The rehabilitation has been found to be remarkably efficient in severe cases of herniation, degeneration, arthritis, stenosis and pressure on the nerve root. according to a clinical study performed by the Orthopedic Technological tell in 2004, 86% of all cases experienced spinal pain relief with disc decompression.

When is the best time to treat my Scoliosis?

It is always advisable to spoton your scoliosis or any back question as early as inherent before it spirals out of control. With timely intervention, we are able to sell out the curve to an ideal 5 degrees or less, thus defeating the disease rather than taming it.

The only thing to be borne in mind is that while surgery is commonly over in a day or two at the hospital followed by subsequent rehabilitation, my schedule requires a lot more consistent effort, dedication and time. The benefit is that its significantly economy and safer than surgery.

Just think about it. Over 650,000 surgical procedures are performed annually for back pain in the United States that cost in excess of billion per annum. "Can this money not be put to some better use," questions Dr. Gunnar Andersson, old chairman of the agency of Orthopedics at Rush. Dr Andersson and his team have found that often there is no link between people's condition care expenditures and their condition outcomes. This means that we often spend money on surgeries that are not required.

Don't be part of that depressing statistic.

Decompression Surgery:Scoliosis surgical operation - Is It Worth the Cost?

